9: State of De-Play

Welcome to Interscription! For today’s episode, we experiment with a live response to Sony’s State of Play. We watch, you listen, It’s a multimedia experience. We also talk about shows getting made from games, including God of War, Horizon, and a recap of the stumbles of the first season of Halo. Mostly, we’re just really excited that Spider Man is coming to PC.

Thanks for staying on this road with us!

8: A Tribute to JKs

This week’s show centered on the idea of news and reporting in the twitter age, the responsibility of the individual and the collective in reporting, and whether accuracy is a subjective necessity as things are shared. In far lighter topics, a quick rundown of Primus’ new Rush-flavored tour, and what it’s like to stare at the Night Sky for 8 hours.

Thanks for staying on this road with us!

7: The Casserole Episode

You might not appreciate flow, but that’s because you haven’t heard OUR flow! Join us while we discuss the Epic Games Mega Sale, the latest Elon Musk fun, how much Trek is too much Trek, and …. A deep dive into whether we’re paying attention to any of it any way…*taps mic*

Thanks for staying on this road with us!

6: Op-1 Kenobi

For this week, we took a healthy chunk of time to discuss the old-but-new-again OP-1 synth, with the newly released “field” update, and why it’s the belle of the technorati ball. We also poke at Microsoft’s difficulties with this past weekend’s Xbox Live outage, and sprinkle our disappointment about Starfield and Redfall being delayed into 2023 on top! Thanks for staying on this road with us!

5: Get Off My Future Lawn

On the pod we talk about Microsoft’s upcoming “E3” the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase, and the hope for a solid hit with Starfield. We talk about the push to bring “seasons” into games, where it works, and where it falls flat, and dive into “woke” Trek and Sci-Fi’s role as a messenger for our better selves.

PS Essential Plus Premiere Minus Jack = Town Hall

We take a deep dive into the possible impact good and bad of Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover. Then, we spill into some of the related ways our lives have become inescapably polarized as we lose common ground and silo ourselves away from our neighbors instead of chatting and disagreeing. We also chat about Playstation’s new subscription tiers.

3: Just unplug it and plug it back in! (Ep 3)

In our third episode, we chat about the state of streaming services, the benefits of home servers, and in a truly meta moment discuss how a home tech problem was solved in the easiest possible way only to be overrun with tech problems recording the show. This is an episode in two parts, closing out Friday morning with coffee and not quite awake, brought to you through the magic of Bitwig. Enjoy, Subscribe, reach out with feedback or topics you’d like to hear us cover.

2: We are all Storytellers (Episode 2)

In Episode 2 we talk a bit about the role of first party games in console launches, celebrating the launch of Switch Sports. We get a bit personal about why we’re podcasting, and get into Everything Everywhere All at Once and the value of movie theaters as we dig out of two years of living in our homes. Every episode is the best episode we’ve ever made. We’re building in the open and making sure we do things right. Come grow with us!

1: Interscription Episode 1: The First One

In our first non beta episode we kick off with a new theme song by our host Rich, chat about ray tracing and why Minecraft on Xbox should have it, the future of trade shows as E3 announces cancellation of the 2022 show, a game-changing Plex announcement and more.  
A quick shoutout to Twisted Electrons and the Blast Beats, which was the audio toy that was being played with off-camera.  Twisted Electrons is an amazing indie synth shop with a specialty for building unique synths out of old chips this one from an FM synth chip featured on soundblaster cards in the 90s.  

1: Interscription – Beta 1

Fans of betas? Abusive use of a soundboard? Like your podcasts without intros or structures while your hosts figure out how to podcast? You’ve come to the right place. In this pre-launch episode, Tim and Rich talk Tunic, the possibility of Microsoft adding a family plan to Gamepass, Sony’s new streaming offering and more. We also smash the applause button for ourselves a few times to make sure it works.

Interscription is a Tech, Gaming, and Culture podcast by two podcasters with kids, careers and a love of all things creative content. We’re basically doing what we’d be doing anyway – yammering on about all the things we love, but we hit the record button.