Back in the land of proper professional audio, Rich and I relish in the extraordinary headroom and high fidelity of good gear to bring you this week’s episode. We take a few moments to chat about Avatar 2, stop off in Cologne, Germany for Gamescom 2023, and express rage and disappointment at Sony stealing another of Microsoft’s moves.
21: Gute Vorzeichen
Another week of jam-packed schedules and alternative methods of recording is in store for us all, but Rich and I managed to bring it all together! With precious little media consumption time this week, I managed to eek out a viewing of Sisu, and Rich dances with angels and titans. Also, as my son said so many years ago, “Texas is damned hot.”
20: MySomerville Network
May it always be said that we are here for the work! Rich is in the field this week and recording amidst technical hurdles to bring you the best in podcasting entertainment! We continue a bit of Star Trek Discovery banter, and explore which is more WTF: Somerville or The Black Tower.
19: Indictment, Insurrection & Isaacs
It’s a week of Discovery here on the Interscription pod, full of learnings on the inner workings of our political systems in the United States, Cintra and Nilfgard. I finally crack into Star Trek Discovery, and a week of completed seasons of shows are discussed, culminating in a pine-e promise to watch the Barbie Movie before we reconvene.